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What are Muscle Relaxant Meds?

Muscle Relaxant Meds or Muscle Relaxant Pills are medications used to treat acute muscle pain and discomfort caused by muscle spasms. Muscle spasms are involuntary contractions that cause excessive strain in muscles and are often associated with conditions such as lower back pain and neck pain.

Medications used as Muscle Relaxers Pills can differ in their chemical structures and the way they work in the brain. In general, Muscle Relaxers Pills act as central nervous system depressants and cause a sedative effect or prevent your nerves from sending pain signals to your brain. The onset of action is rapid and effects typically last from 4-6 hours.

Some of the common side effects of Muscle Relaxers Pills include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Dry mouth
  • Decreased blood pressure

The most commonly prescribed Muscle Relaxers Pills are Soma and Carisoprodol.

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What are muscle relaxer pills used for?

These muscle relaxant meds have been shown to help relieve pain caused by acute muscle spasms. Various health conditions that affect the central nervous system (CNS) can cause muscle spasms as well as long-term injuries to the head or back. They can also be caused by short-term injuries such as whiplash which can cause tightening in the neck and shoulders.

Muscle Relaxant Pills are typically used to treat acute muscle problems, though they are sometimes incorporated into the treatment of chronic pain conditions that involve painful muscle spasms.

These pills act at several sites in the body to reduce muscle tone and relax tight, tense muscles. Some of these pills have direct effects on skeletal muscle fibers, while others influence both nerves and muscles. Baclofen is an antispasmodic pills that works at the level of the spinal cord, and treats spasticity caused by spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy.

Benzodiazepines like Valium can relieve muscle spasms from its action at the spinal cord as well. Long-term use of Valium for chronic pain is controversial due to problems with sleep, dependence, and withdrawal.

Tizanidine or Zanaflex reduces spasticity at the level of the spinal cord and is indicated for the treatment of spasticity associated with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. It may have additional pain relieving properties that may be useful for treating chronic pain conditions as well.

Drugs like Soma work at the spinal cord level and may add in relieving short-term muscle pain. Side effects of Muscle Relaxant Pills typically include sedation, and, therefore, you may need to reserve the medication for nighttime use.

Indications depend on the specific drug. Examples include:

  • Acute, painful musculoskeletal injury
  • Back pain or low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Pinched nerve
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Stiff person syndrome
  • Paraplegia

Muscle Relaxant Pills are most commonly used to relieve muscle spasms from an acute, painful injury. These medications should be used for short-term use. They should also be used along with rest, physical therapy, and ice or heat—your healthcare professional can give medical advice on these other measures.

Some Muscle Relaxant Pills are used for their muscle-relaxing activity, but they are not used for your typical acute muscle injury. For example, Lioresal (baclofen) is a muscle relaxant and antispastic. It treats spasms (spasticity) related to multiple sclerosis, and sometimes due to spinal cord diseases or conditions. Dantrium (dantrolene) also treats spasticity from conditions like multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, strokes, or cerebral palsy.

How do muscle relaxer pills work?

These muscle relaxant meds reduce pain and discomfort by causing muscles to become less tense. They act on the CNS as a sedative and they decrease impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. Muscle relaxer pills interrupt neuronal communication instead of acting directly on the skeletal muscle itself. This causes muscles to relax and spasms to decrease.

Antispasmodic Muscle Relaxant Pills like Soma or Robaxin for acute injury do not work on the muscle itself. They work on the central nervous system (CNS) and cause CNS depression. CNS depression causes sedation and muscle-relaxing activity.

The antispastic muscle relaxant dantrolene does not work on the CNS directly. Dantrolene works on the skeletal muscle, affecting the contractile response, causing relaxation. Baclofen is also an antispastic muscle relaxant. The way that baclofen works is not entirely understood, but it is thought to cause CNS depression.

Valium is a benzodiazepine. Although it is usually used for anxiety, it is sometimes prescribed for its muscle-relaxant effects. Valium works on a neurotransmitter called GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, causing its relaxing effects.

Types of Muscle Relaxant Pills

Antispasmodics (for acute musculoskeletal conditions)

Antispasmodics are traditionally used for acute, painful musculoskeletal injuries. For example, if you “throw out” your back and can’t move, an antispasmodic may be appropriate, if an NSAID is not adequate. Some examples of antispasmodics are Flexeril, Robaxin, Soma, and Norflex.


Antispastics, such as Lioresal and Dantrium, are not used for acute muscle injury. They can treat spasms from conditions like multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury. Dantrium also treats strokes and cerebral palsy.


Valium (diazepam) is a benzodiazepine that treats anxiety. However, it can also help relax muscles. Valium can treat muscle spasms due to muscle injury as well as due to upper motor neuron disorders such as cerebral palsy.

Who can take Muscle Relaxant Pills?


Generally, adult men can take Muscle Relaxant Pills unless they fall under one of the restrictions below.


Generally, adult women can take Muscle Relaxant Pills unless they are pregnant or fall under one of the other restrictions below.


Because most Muscle Relaxant Pills have not been studied in children, they are generally not prescribed to pediatric patients. Dantrolene may be used in pediatric patients for certain chronic conditions that cause spasticity, such as spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, or multiple sclerosis.


Older adults should generally not take Muscle Relaxant Pills because of the side effects and risks associated with them. Muscle Relaxant Pills are listed on the Beers List of potentially inappropriate medications for older adults. The Beers List guidelines state that older adults poorly tolerate most Muscle Relaxant Pills due to the side effects, sedation, and increased risk of fractures.

Who can benefit from using these muscle relaxant meds?

Patients who experience sudden, involuntary contractions of a muscle or a muscle group can benefit from the use of these muscle relaxant meds. Muscle spasms are associated with conditions like fibromyalgia, back pain and neck pain. They can be caused by excessive muscle strain and are sometimes extremely painful.

A constant muscle spasm that can restrict movement such as walking is referred to as muscle spasticity. When using muscle relaxer pills USA and USA patients should be aware that this muscle relaxant meds can treat muscle spasticity with minimum side effects. This issue can be caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Injury to parts of the brain or spinal cord involved with movement can also cause muscle spasticity.

Patients who suffer a spinal cord injury such as a slipped disk can benefit from the use of this muscle relaxant meds. If a disc slips from its place and pinches a nerve, the signals that move from the nerve to the adjacent muscle tissue may be disrupted. This can result in painful muscle spasms and these muscle relaxant meds can calm these spasms and ease pain which allows you to move more easily.

Osteoarthritis is one of several other conditions that can also cause back pain. If cartilage on the vertebrae gets rough or wears down, the vertebrae start rubbing against each other which can result in a painful and stiff back. Muscle relaxer pills are often used to treat this type of pain as they reduce the intensity of muscle spasms and improve sleep.

Muscle Relaxant Pills restrictions

Tell your doctor about all of the medical conditions you have. Some Muscle Relaxant Pills are associated with liver problems. If you have liver or kidney/urinary problems or glaucoma, this could affect whether a muscle relaxant is safe for you to take, depending on the particular medication.

Besides the general restrictions listed above, consult your healthcare provider for individual advice on the safety of a muscle relaxant, because everyone has different symptoms and a unique medical history that can affect which medication is safest and most appropriate for you.

Muscle Relaxers Meds and alcohol

Do not drink alcohol while taking a muscle relaxant. Alcohol and other CNS depressants can cause additive effects when combined with a muscle relaxant.

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Other Warnings:

  • Do not drive or operate machinery while taking a muscle relaxant.
  • Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you should take your muscle relaxant with food or on an empty stomach.
  • If you are taking a muscle relaxant and have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, seek emergency medical treatment.
  • When discontinuing a muscle relaxant, ask your healthcare provider if you should taper it slowly. Some Muscle Relaxant Pills can lead to withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly.

Can you take Muscle Relaxant Pills while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Generally, Muscle Relaxant Pills are not prescribed to women who are pregnant. There are not enough studies to establish safety in this population. Therefore, Muscle Relaxant Pills should only be prescribed if the healthcare provider determines that benefits outweigh risks. Muscle Relaxant Pills are generally not used in breastfeeding mothers. Consult your healthcare provider for medical advice if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.

Are Muscle Relaxant Pills controlled substances?

Soma and Valium are controlled substances. This means they have a potential for abuse and dependence. Avoid these medications if you have a history of a substance use disorder. The other Muscle Relaxant Pills are not controlled substances.

Common Muscle Relaxant Pills side effects

Specific side effects can vary by the drug and dosage. The most common side effects of Muscle Relaxant Pills include:

  • Drowsiness or fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • GI (gastrointestinal) problems like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea
  • Confusion
  • Nervousness
  • Agitation
  • Tremor
  • Impaired coordination
  • Irritability
  • Tachycardia (fast heartbeat)

This is not a full list of possible side effects. Other side effects may occur. Ask your doctor what side effects you should expect and how to address them.

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Updated: 29th January 2021
Review Due: January 2022